The Sanskrit word
“that which does not decay.” |
Heart of Orion |
The 27 Nakshatras represent consciousness and each Nakshatra represents a particular quality of consciousness. The Nakshatras permeate the whole universe and influence the quality of the Rashi in which they are positioned.
In the same way the quality of the Graha depends to some extent on the Nakshatra in which it is positioned. In the Maharishi Jyotish program, the 27 Nakshatras are represented as 27 equal segments of a circle, each covering 13 degrees 20 minutes. The sequence of the 27 Nakshatras begins with Ashvini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi.
The Circle of 27 Nakshatras with Reference to the Earth
This illustration shows the sequence of the 27 equal segments of the Nakshatras, each consisting of 13 degrees 20 minutes, with their Sanskrit names and numbers. As seen from the earth, the moon passes through this circle of the 27 Nakshatras in about 27 days. Thus it takes the moon about one day to pass through one Nakshatra.
The moon is shown here moving through Pushya Nakshatra in Karka Rashi. This example also shows the sun moving through Ashvini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi. Each of the other planets are also moving through the 27 Nakshatras.
Nakshatra Pada: Each Nakshatra is divided into 4 equal parts of 3 degrees 20 minutes each part. They are called Nakshatra Pada 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each Nakshatra Pada has its own significance for interpretation.
To request a Maharishi Jyotish Consultation, please see the instructions on the Services tab. For a more complete introduction to the fundamental principles of the Maharishi Jyotish program, please proceed to The Cosmic Counterparts of Human Physiology.
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What is
Maharishi Jyotish?
• The 9 Grahas—Planets
• The 12 Rashis—
Astrological Sign
• The 27 Nakshatras—
Lunar Mansions
• Cosmic Counterparts of Human Physiology
• Grahas, Rashis, and Nakshatras at the Time of Birth
• Gochara—Planetary Transits