Maharishi Yagyaâ„ performances work by means of the principle of action and reaction. The experience of our daily lives shows that we are repeatedly confronted with unforeseen and often unwanted trends and events. To avert any danger before it may arise, the Maharishi Jyotish℠ program uses Maharishi Yagya technology.
Maharishi Yagya performances are Vedic performances that create life-supporting effects in order to amend or avoid any unwanted tendency before it manifests. Based upon the Comprehensive Life Kundali (birth horoscope for oneself together with one’s close relatives), Maharishi Yagya recommendations are made by a Council of experts in the Maharishi Jyotish program.
All our thoughts, words, and actions generate influences in the environment which reflect back to us. This can be compared with the situation of throwing a stone into a pond. Such an action at the shore produces waves, which then travel throughout the pond. Once they reach the far shore, they will be reflected back, and eventually return to their place of origin.

The Maharishi Jyotish program is that science and technology which is able to calculate and then predict the type of influence that has been created by our past actions, and which will return to us at a particular time and place.
Based upon this highly specific analysis, Maharishi Yagya recommendations are made. If the influence approaching us is not favorable, a Maharishi Yagya performance is needed that will generate the specific life-supporting influence to neutralize it.
If the influence approaching us is favorable, then Maharishi Yagya performances are recommended to enhance our good fortune. This is the whole secret of the Maharishi Yagya program; to know the influence of the life trends that are going to come, and to know how to generate the appropriate life-supporting influences that will either counteract or enhance these trends.
Predictions from the Maharishi Jyotish program help us become aware of our future life trends so that Maharishi Yagya performances can be scheduled in due time. This is very important since the Maharishi Yagya program is more effective when utilized before the trends or events have begun to manifest in our lives.
The Maharishi Jyotish program together with Maharishi Yagya performances provide a very powerful technology to help avert or minimize problems and enhance success in all areas of life.
Maharishi Yagya performances are done for families, companies, organizations, countries, etc., as well as for individuals. The correct performance of a Maharishi Yagya procedure from the level of pure consciousness by properly trained Vedic Pandits (experts) is essential.
Only Maharishi Vedic Pandits have been thoroughly trained in India, under Maharishi’s guidance, to be deeply grounded in the Vedic Tradition and to perform from that silent level of expanded consciousness which will ensure the most powerful and correct results.
Instructions to receive this service: Maharishi Yagya recommendations are obtained through a Maharishi Jyotish consultation, on the basis of your Comprehensive Life Kundali (horoscope).
To receive this service, please first complete and submit a Comprehensive Life Kundali application form, and then apply for a Maharishi Jyotish consultation. The instructions and application
forms for these services are available on the Services tab.