The Grahas,
roughly translated as
more than simply
hanging in space. |
Heart of Orion |
They are part of the administration of Natural Law, which governs the whole universe. For example:
Surya, the sun, represents consciousness;
Chandra, the moon, represents the cosmic mind;
the planet Mercury, the cosmic intellect; etc.
In the Maharishi Jyotish program, there are nine Grahas of importance in our solar system:

Abbrev.—Transliteration—English name
1. Sy—Surya—Sun
2. Ch—Chandra—Moon
3. Ma—Mangal—Mars
4. Bu—Budha—Mercury
5. Gu—Guru—Jupiter
6. Sk—Shukra—Venus
7. Sa—Shani—Saturn
8. Ra—Rahu—Ascending lunar node
9. Ke—Ketu—Descending lunar node
Not pictured are Rahu, the ascending lunar node, and Ketu the descending lunar node. These lunar nodes are the two intersecting points of the solar and lunar planes as seen from the earth.
The 9 Grahas are directly related to every area of individual and collective life. According to the Maharishi Jyotish program, individual life is administrated by the same Laws of Nature that administer the whole universe. Maharishi Parashara, the greatest exponent of Maharishi Jyotish in the Vedic tradition, said:
“The development and progress of the people and the creation are all under the administration and authority of the planets.”
—Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Chapter 84
Every aspect of human physiology and life has its counterpart in the structure and functioning of the cosmic physiology, represented by the Grahas, Rashis and Nakshatras.
The Maharishi Jyotish program is that science and technology which can calculate the time when positive or harmful effects of the Grahas will reach an individual, company or nation, etc. This knowledge allows one to map the whole field of one’s future so that one can take timely recourse to remedial measures in order to prevent any misfortunes in life, and to enhance any positive influence.
To request a Maharishi Jyotish Consultation, please see the instructions on the Services tab. For a more complete introduction to the fundamental principles of the Maharishi Jyotish program, please proceed to The 12 Rashis—Astrological Signs.
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What is
Maharishi Jyotish?
• The 9 Grahas—Planets
• The 12 Rashis—
Astrological Sign
• The 27 Nakshatras—
Lunar Mansions
• Cosmic Counterparts of Human Physiology
• Grahas, Rashis, and Nakshatras at the Time of Birth
• Gochara—Planetary Transits